We often come across people who complain that their work is full of stress. I am sure anyone who works and who has work to do, will have stress and would have come across a situation that is stressing. Do not worry or panic if you have stress, that is absolutely a NORMAL thing. When I say that stress is normal, everyone is quite surprised and I will still stick on to the same point that Stress is absolutely “normal”. Why do I call stress, a normal thing?
- It is an indicator that the particular work is vital at that point of time
- It gives an extra boost to do the job quickly
- Sometimes, stress does help you arrive at faster and smarter decisions, based on your
past experiences
- Stress is one factor that reminds you that you are at work.
How positive stress can be! Eustress can do a lot of good to you. But stress, if utilized in a wrong way can be harmful and dangerous.
- It gives an extra boost to do the job quickly
- Sometimes, stress does help you arrive at faster and smarter decisions, based on your
past experiences
- Stress is one factor that reminds you that you are at work.
How positive stress can be! Eustress can do a lot of good to you. But stress, if utilized in a wrong way can be harmful and dangerous.
All I ask you to do is, train yourself well at usual times to perform effectively at stress. Today some tips to beat negative stress at work. These tips have been tested scientifically with many people across countries, across cultures and across ages and they have proved to be successful.
1 . Don’t panic that the situation at stress. Think that it is a normal one. Tell yourself that there’s nothing to worry.
2 . Talk with your colleague about the stress and make a joke out of it. Fun is the best de-stresser.
3 . Take two minutes to get out of the work station, it may be the rest-room where you can wash your face or it can be outside the room where you get new air.
4 . Do not smoke. People think that smoking de-stresses, but science says, it adds up to the stress. Instead of smoking, you can think of cold water.
5 . If you feel that one particular aspect of the workstation is adding up to the stress, try getting rid of it. It may be that pending file which requires attention later. Keep it out of sight.
6 . Clean or organize your desk. This has proved to be very effective, because when you organize your desk, you indirectly telling your mind to organize it’s thoughts. That will reduce the workload to half.
7 . Play music. But only if you are comfortable.
8 . Art therapy can be a great way to beat stress. By art, I don’t mean you to draw great paintings or do pottery etc., (If you have those talents and if you can bring out something in two mins, you can). You can just scribble on the paper and make a shape out of it. This has proved to be therapeutic.
9 . Split the stressing work into fragments. Take one by one.
1 0 .Take a power nap. Works wonders
These are some of the very effective tips. These may sound ordinary, but have given extra ordinary results to many people.
Finally, I want to tell you that, stress is necessary. You just need to use it in a very constructive way. Exploit stress and you will be the most productive person at work.