Friday, April 01, 2011

These days, people change their diets just as they change their clothes, following various food fads just as they allow fashion trends to influence their sense of dressing. Little do they realize that mindlessly applying dietary modifications can only affect the body's defenses adversely and invite a gamut of diseases. It is therefore advisable to consult a qualified nutritionist before trying anything new. Every individual has his or her own preconceived notions about health foods.
There are many who believe that the diet foods available in the market are all ideal for anyone who wishes to go on a diet. What these people fail to understand is that while these products fall under the category of diet foods because they do not contain sugar, they mostly contain artificial sweeteners that are chemicals, which can harm the body much more than sugar. The colors, flavors, and preservatives used in packaged products can lead to many chronic illnesses because although they enhance the appearance and taste of the food item, the fact still remains that the latter is not natural and fresh. Similarly, a number of raw materials that are nutritious when eaten raw, are of little or no nutritive value when cooked or processed. This is especially true in the case of almonds, cashews, and namkeens prepared from various pulses or cereals. 
All said than done, it is clear that natural is the way to go if it's health that is on your mind !