Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to stay positive & live your dreams !

Here are some tips on how to be successful and stay positive!
Number 1  - Love your haters!
The more you shine, the more people will want to keep you down. Don’t let them! Celebrate that people are watching you, even if they aren’t loving what you’re doing. Haters are a part of success and help you believe in yourself ! If you believe the haters more than yourself, they’ve won. Don’t let the haters win; let them push you to believe in YOU even more!
Number 2 - Work hard!
Nothing is more important than hard work! Life doesn’t give you success; you have to go out there and make it happen. Your dreams are totally doable but hard work is how they come true!
Number 3 - Stay positive!
There’s enough hate and negativity out there to drive anyone crazy! But that doesn’t mean it has to drive you crazy! No matter what happens, keep a positive mindset! Positive thinking and working hard make those dreams come true, dolls! 
Number 4 - Build a great team!
There is no way I could do what I do without an amazing team. Don’t try to do everything yourself. It’s SOOO important to know what you’re good at and then be really good at it. Find people who are good at the stuff you’re not so good at and empower them to shine! It takes team work to make the dream work!
Number 5 - Know your worth!
There’s no way you’ll be able to live your dream if you don’t feel worthy. You are so special and when you know this you can really make some magic happen in your life.
I hope some of these tips inspire you to live your dreams! Believe in your dreams.